
(Sanskrit) - feeling; emotion; sentiment; mood - expressed through art.

Formed in 2020, Gallery Bhāva is the work of Bhavesh Samji, a London-based multidisciplinary artist who draws vast inspiration from his Gujarati Indian heritage.

Gallery Bhāva explores a contemporary take on traditional aspects of colour and texture found within the art of Indian culture, with reference to the artisanal skills of embroidery and painting.

Works take inspiration from historical meditative Tantra paintings, where the eye is drawn to focus on a shape within the work.

Bhavesh is a self-taught embroiderer, specialising in traditional Indian Tambour embroidery, and relief embroidery incorporating semi-precious and precious gemstones onto silk fabric.

Paintings are created using dye crystals sprinkled onto wet Khadi paper, meaning each painting is fully unique, taking inspiration from the Indian colour festival of Holi, where vibrant coloured pigments are thrown onto bodies and garments to promote positive thinking, affection and the birth of spring.